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Traffic Counts


AADT, also known as a "Traffic Count," is a useful and simple measurement of the total volume of vehicle traffic in both directions of a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. NVDA provides these reports for all municipalities in the Northeast Kingdom. Towns with requests for counts to be conducted should contact the Transportation Planner.


AADT Reports from the Vermont Agency of Transportation are available from the Traffic Research Page on the VTrans website.


The town traffic count data below is in PDF format. You will find the Traffic Count data at the bottom of each of the town pages.


To access the PDF, you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Note: If you are having trouble opening the pdf files in your browser you should download the file to your hard drive and open it in Acrobat from your hard drive, not from your browser.) 

Highway Sufficiency Ratings

For the State Highway System in the Northeast Kingdom. VTrans2010 Sufficiency ratings for State Highways and Town Highway Major Collectors

High Accident Locations

For the State Highway System in the Northeast Kingdom. (New data will be available shortly.)