There are three state owned airports in the Northeast Kingdom. These are used mostly by private pilots, but could be upgraded to allow air freight delivery. Automated weather equipment, increased runway length, and runway lights are the greatest needs for improvement. The Caledonia County State airport now has a commissioned and operational automated weather system and is currently on the State Airport Capitol Facilities List to recieve a lighting upgrade. The Newport Airport currently has FAA approved lighting and it's Automated Weather Systemis up and running. Vermont's Act 250 is a consideration in any airport expansion or project. For information on Act 250 issues, please contact Kirsten Sultan, Act 250 Coordinator, at (802) 751-0126.
Automated & Online Weather Information
- 1-800-WXBRIEF (800-992-7433) Burlington weather station. Automated flight service station.
- ASOS 135.625, (802) 888-7934 Newport and Morrisville
- ATIS 123.8 ASOS (802) 658-8382 Burlington
- TAF Weather Info by State
Area Airports
Airport Improvement Projects
Construction projects are planned at the Newport and Caledonia County State Airports. For detailed information, visit the VTrans Projects Page. You can generate a report on Airport Projects in the Northeast Kingdom by checking the appropriate boxes, in this case project numbers beginning with AIR. Programs are ranked according to their priorities and are funded in that order. A formula is used to rank the projects.